Frazier Quarry

Website Development

Frazier Quarry Logo

Frazier Quarry

Frazier Quarry has served the Shenandoah Valley for over 100 years, delivering quality stone products throughout the area. With a 100 year old business, they sought to modernize their online presence. It was crucial that we showcase their products and make it accessible for their different types of clients, whether it be construction, landscaping, or farming.

We partnered with an outside designer to craft a site that not only met all of their needs, but one that rocks! We worked hard to feature their products to be filtered by category. We created, from scratch, a stone calculator to determine how much product a customer needs based on their project. We also incorporated more imagery into the site, with updated photos, and embedding their Instagram profile.  We left no stone unturned in the creation of their new site!

Check out their live site →

We had a wonderful experience working with James and the Digital Minerva web development team. Redesigning and building a website can be a formidable project, but James and his team worked very hard to ensure every step of the process was organized and thorough, which resulted in a stress-free experience on our end.

Macie Frazier

Website Redesign Project Lead & HR Coordinator, Frazier Quarry

Frazier Quarry Mockup